Uruguay (South America)

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Per Month, USD.

  • vCPU: 1x Intel Xeon
  • RAM: 3GB DDR4
  • SSD Storage: 20GB RAID 10 
  • 500GB Data Transfer
  • Up to 500Mbps Connectivity
  • Location: Pando, Uruguay 

Per Month, USD.

  • vCPU: 2x Intel Xeon
  • RAM: 6GB DDR4
  • SSD Storage: 40GB RAID 10
  • 1TB Data Transfer
  • Up to 500Mbps Connectivity
  • Location: Pando, Uruguay

Per Month, USD.

  • vCPU: 2x Intel Xeon
  • RAM: 8GB DDR4
  • SSD Storage: 60GB RAID 10
  • 1TB Data Transfer
  • Up to 500Mbps Connectivity
  • Location: Pando, Uruguay

Per Month, USD.

  • vCPU: 4x Intel Xeon
  • RAM: 12GB DDR4
  • SSD Storage: 80GB RAID 10
  • 1TB Data Transfer
  • Up to 500Mbps Connectivity 
  • Location: Pando, Uruguay 


Purchase NOW$24 USD

You will be directed to our customer portal to create your VM after ordering!

1. Choose your desired configuration

Select from any of the pre-built plans. Don't worry, you can customise resources anytime.

2. Customisation

During the order process, you can select from pre-built templates or your own ISO for the operating system. You can add additional resources too!

3. Payment Method

A tax invoice will be issued for you to make payment. We accept credit/debit cards, bank transfer, and PayPal from around the world. 

4. Rapid provisioning

Upon successful payment, your virtual server will be activated with instructions sent to your email in less than a minute - almost instant.

Uruguay is one of the freest countries in the world with high levels of data protection! 

Your server is located in Antel's Tier III Data-Center in Canelones Uruguay, with redundancy. 

We use only enterprise grade hardware for maximum performance and reliability.